Win32 supports delivery optimisation, where LOB does not, delivery optimisation if configured via Endpoint Manager is simply a peer to peer caching of content, this can help organisations reduce internet bandwidth, I typically see about 40-50% bandwidth saving when implemented.Win32 deployment method is a lot more flexible than the LOB engine, for example, making use of dependencies, etc.If utilising Windows Autopilot then Microsoft’s recommendation is not to mix LOB and Win32 together as they may conflict during the Autopilot build process, given this advice, the logical choice is to use Win32 for all applications as these can be used to deploy.msi file and it’s a little bit simpler to package up, there are a few reasons for why I package ALL of my applications via the Win32 app method: Many of you may be asking why not simply package up the Google Chrome application as a LOB (line of business application) via Endpoint Manager seeing as it’s a.
6 What’s next? Why use the Win32 engine and not LOB?